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Fritz Langs "M (Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder)"

Fritz Lang's ‘M (Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder)’

accompanied by Gewandhaus musicians with Shostakovich string quartets

Fritz Lang's film is not only one of the German film classics par excellence. Its story is still relevant today - a crime becomes the starting point for rumours and public outrage. The press fuels the tense situation with its lurid reporting. After all, criminals see themselves legitimised to take the law into their own hands...

‘M - A City in Search of a Murderer’ marks the transition from silent to sound film. Today's Klassik-underground concert takes this filmic peculiarity as its starting point and combines Lang's expressionistic film language with the expressive music of Shostakovich's string quartets. Music, image and text combine to create an extraordinary concert experience in the catacombs of the Moritzbastei Oberkeller and make Fritz Lang's masterpiece tangible in a new way.

Info & Tickets

19 September

KLASSIK undeground meets Leipziger Ballett “Ravel x Matisse”

15 March

KLASSIK underground präsentiert Märchen der Brüder Grimm